​​​Tiểu sử
Đại sứ Đặc mệnh Toàn quyền nước Cộng hòa Xã hội Chủ nghĩa Việt Nam tại Pakistan


ĐS Tuấn.jpg

Born in 1966, Hung Yen, Viet Nam.

- Education: B.A. in Physics (Hanoi University); B.A. in English language (University of Languages and International Studies); Postgraduate Diploma on Political Theories and Public Administration (National Academy of Public Administration).

- Marital status: Married with 02 sons.

- 1989-1993: Lecturer of the Physics Faculty, Hanoi National University.

- 1993: Joined Party Commission for External Relations.

- 1994-2005: Desk officer in charge of Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Office of the Party Commission for External Relations.

- 2006-2010: Deputy Head of Division, then Head of Division, Office of the Party Commission for External Relations

- 2010-2011: Assistant Chief of Office of the Party Commission for External Relations.

- 2011-2016: Deputy Chief Office in charge of the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, South Pacific, Office of the Party Commission for External Relations.

- 2017-2019: Ambassador Plenipotentiary and Extraordinary of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to the Federation of Nigeria, and concurrently to the Republic of Sierra Leone, the Republic of Ghana, the Republic of Togo, the Republic of Cameroon and the Republic of Chad.

- 2020-2023: Deputy Chief of Office of the Party Commission for External Relations.

- 01/2024: ​Ambassador - designate of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan; Ambassador - designate of the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

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